Welcome to MPHC!
Welcome to the team at Michigan Personalized Home Care! We look forward to working with you and growing together!
As caregivers we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and assistance 24/7.
At MPHC we believe that continuing education and communication are important components to providing excellent and consistent care. We have developed michiganphc.com as a portal for employees to increase their knowledge
and find new ways to improve the care they provide.
Michigan Personalized Home Care
Employee Handbook:
The following are excerpts from the Michigan Personalized Home Care (MPHC) Employee Handbook.
The information is provided online in order educate new and existing employees as well as expedite the hiring process.
Welcome to the most experienced spinal cord and brain injury health care company in the area, Michigan Personalized Home Care, LLC. (MPHC). We are happy to have you as a member of our team. We are confident you will find your employment here both challenging and rewarding.
At MPHC we strive to give our customers high-quality service in a friendly and professional manner. This requires that each of us cooperate with fellow employees and perform all duties cheerfully, faithfully and diligently.
Each new employee will, of course, have questions about MPHC. This handbook had been prepared to help answer questions from new and current employees. Please feel free to ask the President (Charlie Taylor) or Director of Operations (Colleen Taylor) if you have any specific questions that are not addressed in this handbook.
At MPHC we are proud of our past and present successes. We are certain you will share in this pride and do your part to insure our continued success. We want to make your job as pleasant and efficient as possible, so your ideas and suggestions are always welcome.
Charles K. Taylor, President
Colleen Taylor, VP, Director of Operations
Mission Statement
Michigan Personalized Home Care, LLC. (MPHC) was founded on the belief that every individual patient or client, whether in their own home or an institutional setting, has the right to receive the highest quality, compassionate health care whenever they need it.
As an integral member of the health care team, the client/patient, their family and visitors, along with other care providers, are consistently treated with the highest level of dignity and respect.
Core Values
Respect People.
Focus on the customer.
Terms of Employment Policy - At Will
MPHC is an at-will employer. This means that he employment relationship is for and indefinite period of time and can be terminated at any time, with or without cause or without notice.
The provisions contained in this handbook supersede any and all contrary representations that have been made either by MPHC or you. No employee, supervisor, or other person (except the President, in a document or letter that is specifically for that purpose and signed by the President) has the authority to enter into any employment agreement on behalf of MPHC for any specific period of time, pursuant to any particular conditions, or to make any agreement or disagreement with the terms expressed in this handbook.
Open Door Policy
At MPHC, we believe that it is important for management and employees to maintain effective communications and understanding in order to accomplish the companies and employee's goals and objectives.
Conscious effort is made to maintain close rapport among staff through commitment to an open door policy. We value this close relationship and give it considerable importance. As and organization grows larger, there is often a tendency to become depersonalized, but we strive to prevent this at MPHC. Therefore, if you have a problem, a question, or a request, your are encouraged to discuss it with your supervisor, the Director of Operations or the company President.
Likewise, when matters of interpretation or application of the express provisions of this handbook or of any other company rules or regulations arise, you are also encouraged to discuss such matters with the President. Management will then explore a satisfactory resolution of the problem or concern. While not all problems or concerns may be resolved to your complete satisfaction, management is committed to resolving conflicts whenever practical.
Equal Employment Opportunity Notice with Handicap Accommodation Provision
MPHC is an equal opportunity employer that supports and subscribes to a policy of nondiscrimination in all aspects of employment. MPHC will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, height.
Confidentiality Policy
In the course of your employment, you may have access to information about our business, customers, patients and other employees. This information must be kept confidential. If you are uncertain about whether information is confidential, check with your supervisor before discussing it with anyone. Any violation of this policy may result in discipline, up to and including discharge from employment.
Background Checks Policy
MPHC recognizes its responsibility to our clients, patients and employees by making sure that current employees and potential employees are suitable for employment. Therefore, MPHC reserves the right to conduct criminal background checks on applicants or employees.
A conviction of the following crimes could prevent an applicant or current employee from employment with MPHC.
Crimes demonstrating physical violence, including, but not limited to, abuse of children or the elderly, abduction, kidnapping, murder, robbery, assault and battery or sexual crimes.
Crimes involving illegal drugs, including, but not limited to, unlawful possession, distribution or intent to distribute
Crimes against property such as, theft, larceny or burglary.
Crimes demonstrating dishonesty such as fraud, deception or financial exploitation of any person.
Any felony.
There may be exceptions in situations where an applicant has criminal history but has "paid their debt to society" and is being considered for employment. The president must be consulted for a review of the facts before a decision is made to hire. Each case will be evaluated on its individual merits.
Training Period Policy
Your first ninety (90) days of employment with MPHC is a period of training and adjustment. As this is a training period, you should not be hesitant about asking questions to help you better understand your job, policies, procedures, and, most importantly, the goals of the organization.
Work Schedule Policy
At the time of your orientation, you will meet your scheduler (or be given their contact information).
MPHC requires you to give notice two (2) weeks in advance if time off is needed. We need to get the advance notice so we can have clients schedules completed in a professional and timely manner. Employees are required to work at least one shift a month in order to stay active. If you work on a case that requires staff 7 days per week, we ask that you work at least one weekend per month.
If you become inactive, you must make an appointment to update your file in order to reactivate your status.
If you are asked to work for a client outside of scheduled hours, you must get approval from either your scheduler or the Director of Operations. If you do not get approval, it may effect your pay or employment.
If you need to request time off, you must complete the request for unpaid time off form at least two (2) weeks in advance.
Holidays will be on a first come, first serve basis. Remember, we are a service agency and our clients need coverage through the holidays
Calling In Policy
MPHC requires no less than four (4) hours notification for cancellation of a shift. If you must cancel a shift you must call your scheduler. Do not have someone call for you. We must speak with you, unless it is physically impossible.
If you are cancelling your shift during normal business house call the office. If you are cancelling your shift after business hours call the on call scheduler. Do not have someone call for you, we must speak to you unless it is physically impossible.
Failure to show up for a shift that you have not called to cancel may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is one of the most important requirements in Home Care Policies and Procedures. Regular and punctual attendance is essential to the performance of your work. As an employee, you are expected to be on time and regular in your attendance. When you are absent or late for work, others must perform your work just as you must perform their work when they are absent.
Employees who are not able to work their scheduled shift must notify the office no less than four (4) hours prior to the start of the shift. If not, you will be asked to work, if you are unable to work a scheduled shift you are subject to disciplinary actions, which may lead to termination.
Excessive absenteeism, whether excused or not, is unacceptable. Each situation of excessive absenteeism or tardiness will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
If you fail to report to work without any notification to your supervisor for a period of three days or more, we will consider that you have voluntarily terminated your employment.
Timekeeping Policy - Time Slips
At MPHC we use the mobile application SHIFTPLANNING for scheduling and time clock purposes. You should download the Shiftplanning application to your mobile phone. At the time of your orientation or via email you will receive instruction on how to gain initial access to your Shiftplanning account.
It is extremely important that your clock-in and clock-out times recorded in Shiftplanning match the shift start and end times on the client service documentation.
Overtime Policy
Time and a half is paid when you work more than forty (40) hours in one week on a home care case, as long as MPHC Director of Operations or immediate supervisor approve OT shifts beforehand. Per the State of Michigan, if you work a combination of all these totaling more than 40 hours in one week, it is not a requirement to pay overtime.
When calculating overtime, only hours actually worked will be counted in determining if you are entitled to overtime pay.
Payday Policy
You will be paid every FRIDAY for the work week ending the preceding Sunday. Your paycheck will be distributed to you via direct deposit. If a payday falls on a holiday, paychecks will be distributed one day early. If you do not receive a paystub or pay deposit please call the Director of Operations ASAP so we can arrange to fulfill your payment.
Personnel Files Policy
You have the right to examine your personnel file or to obtain a copy of your file with a written request to your supervisor. If you wish to examine your file, you may do so during normal office hours provided it does not interfere with your assigned duties, or we will make arrangements with you for an examination before or after work.
References Policy
Any request for a reference from MPHC must be made to he designated person. No other person may provide a reference. It is our policy to provide only your dates of service and the title of your last position, in response to requests for references. If you want other information disclosed, you must give a written request to the administrative staff that specifically identifies the information to be disclosed and authorizes its release.
Performance Evaluation Policy
During the course of your employment, you will receive periodic performance evaluations. Your first evaluation generally will occur after you complete your training period. Subsequent evaluations should occur each year on or about the anniversary of your employment with MPHC. Typically, your supervisor will conduct your evaluation and discuss it with you. After reviewing your evaluation, your supervisor will ask you to sign the evaluation to acknowledge that he/she has discussed it with you and that your have had an opportunity to review it.
Performance evaluations are intended to measure the quality and quantity of the work you perform, your effort and attitude, and your ability to work with others. Your evaluation should let you know areas where improvement is needed and should help you to set goals for your future performance. While a positive evaluation does not guarantee promotions or salary increases, we may consider your evaluations together with the many other factors that affect those decisions.
Dress Code Policy
Dress appropriate for each case you may be assigned to. Proper grooming, and personal cleanliness standards contribute to the morale of all employees and affect the business image MPHC presents to customers and visitors.
During business hours, employees are expected to present a clean and neat appearance and to dress accordingly to the requirements of their position(s). Employees who appear for work inappropriately dressed will be sent home and directed to return to work in proper attire. Under such circumstances, employees will not be compensated for the time away from work.
Contact your supervisor or the Director of Operations if you have questions as to what constitutes appropriate attire.
Holidays Policy
MPHC observes the holidays listed below. If you have scheduled yourself to work any or all of these holidays, you need to check with the office to see if holiday pay is offered. It will depend on our souce of payment for the case you are working. If we cannot bill holiday rate, we cannot pay holiday wages.
Holiday pay is paid all 3 shifts the doy of the holiday, first, second and third shifts)
The following days are recognized as holidays:
New Year's Eve, New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Easter
Vacation Policy
After one full year of employment with MPHC, and each year thereafter on your anniversary date, you are eligible for a paid vacation. The number of vacation hours, not to exceed forty (40), is based on the average weekly hours you worked in the previous year.
Standards of Conduct Policy
MPHC has rules governing personal conduct. These rules are designed to promote orderly and efficient operations, as well as to protect the rights of all employees. The following conduct is prohibited and will not be tolerated by MPHC. This list is for illustration purposes only; other types of conduct that may jeopardize the personal safety, security, or welfare of MPHC or its employees may also be prohibited. [This list is not intended to modify your at-will employment relationship.]
Consuming, possessing, reporting to work under the influence of, or working under the influence of "controlled substances," alcoholic beverages, or other narcotics.
Theft or deliberate or careless damage of any property of MPHC or the property of any employee or customer.
Deliberate destruction of the property, equipment, or facilities of MPHC.
Unauthorized use of telephones for personal use during work hours.
Possession of another employee's personal equipment or possessions without the other employee's consent.
Removal of any property or records from the premises of MPHC without permission from management personnel.
Insubordination or refusal to obey of willful failure to carry out verbal or written instructions of supervisory personnel
Provoking a fight or fighting during working hours or at any time on he property of MPHC. Participating in horseplay or practical jokes on our premises during working hours.
Carrying firearms or any other dangerous weapons at any time on our premises.
Engaging in criminal conduct whether or not related to job performance.
Falsifying records or revealing confidential information to unauthorized persons.
Dress or appearance inappropriate to the business of MPHC.
Unlawful harassment.
Failure to observe working schedule, including lunch and rest periods.
Abuse of paid personal time off.
Excessive absenteeism
Failure to provide a physician's certificate when requested or required.
Smoking is prohibited in our clients' homes. With the client's approval, you may smoke outside of their home, but never out of hearing distance and/or visual distance of the client (keep sight and sound contact). Smoking is prohibited at a facility unless authorized by the facility, and even then, it is limited to break times and designated areas. If you must smoke be sure all flammable materials are completely extinguished and properly disposed of when you are finished.
Substance Abuse Policy
MPHC wants to provide a drug-free, safe and secure work environment for its employees. To insure a safe and efficient workplace, MPHC will strictly enforce the following rules:
No employee shall possess, distribute, use or be impaired by alcohol on company property, while on company business, or during working hours, including rest and meal periods.
No employee shall possess, distribute, use, be impaired by, or have in their bodily system illegal prohibited drugs on company property, while on company business, or during working hours, including rest and meal periods.
No employee shall be impaired by legal prohibited drugs while on company property, on company business, or during working hours, including rest and meal periods.
An employee who violates any of these rules may be disciplined, up to and including discharge.
"Illegal prohibited drugs" are those substances that are illegal to sell or possess: "Legal prohibited drugs" are any prescription or nonprescription drugs that may impair working ability. An employee who is taking a legal prohibited drug must notify his or her supervisor if its use is expected to adversely affect the employee's performance of the essential functions of their job. Employees have a duty to know if the legal prescription or nonprescription drugs they are taking may impair working ability.
MPHC reserves the right to search an employee's work area and an employee's vehicle on company property, if there is reasonable suspicion that the "no alcohol or drugs" rules may have been violated. Refusal to cooperate in these procedures may result in discipline or discharge.
MPHC desires to help employees who have alcohol or drug-related problems. We will permit employees to take a leave of absence for the purpose of obtaining treatment in a company approved substance abuse program. Leaves of absence will be granted as explained in the "Leave of Absence Policy", and must be requested before the employee violates the company's "no alcohol or drugs" rules. Requests for such a leave of absence will be considered confidential. The cost of participating in the program may be covered by the employee's health insurance. MPHC requires the employee to demonstrate satisfactory completion of the program before he or she returns to work.
Zero Tolerance Sexual Harassment Policy
MPHC will not tolerate sexual harassment against any employee. This policy applies to all employees and other individuals who represent or serve the employer in any capacity.
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct or communication constitute harassment when:
Submission to the conduct or communication is make either an explicit or implicit condition of employment.
Submission to or rejection of the conduct or communication by an individual is used as a facto in an employment decision affecting the harassed employee
The conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's employment or creating an intimidation, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Examples of prohibited conduct include, but are not limited to:
Lewd or sexually suggestive comments.
Off-color language or jokes of a sexual nature.
Slurs or verbal, graphic, or physical conduct relating to an individuals sex.
Any display of sexually explicit pictures, greeting cards, articles, books, photos, or cartoons.
Any employee or applicant who believes this policy may have been violated must immediately report the incident to either the President, Director of Operations or to any other appropriate representative of management of the company. MPHC will not permit or tolerate any form of reprisal or retaliation against an employee or applicant who files a report in the good-faith belief that this policy may have been violated. "Good faith" means a sincerely-held belief, even if the belief is incorrect, that a violation of this policy has occurred.
It is each employee's responsibility to eliminate all forms of prohibited harassment. It is especially the responsibility of each supervisor to prevent such behavior from occurring within his or her work area, and to provide a work environment free from harassment. It is the responsibility of each and every employee of the company to report to all incidents of harassment forbidden by this policy. We request that you immediately make any report so that a complaint can be quickly and fairly resolved.
Complaints of sexual harassment will be promptly and carefully investigated. An investigation may include interviews of possible witnesses, including the person claiming the harassment occurred, and the person or persons claimed to be involved in the harassment. The privacy of the person issuing the complaint, of the person accused, and the steps taken in investigation will be protected to the extent possible, except that the employer will report its findings to the person making the complaint and to the person or persons who are claimed to be involved.
If the employer's investigation establishes that harassment or other inappropriate behavior has occurred, immediate and appropriate corrective action will be taken to stop the harassment and prevent its recurrence,
Termination Policy
As a matter of courtesy, employees who want to terminate employment should give at least fourteen calendar days’ notice in writing. An employee shall be paid earned wages to the date when the employee leaves our service. Those whose employment is terminated by MPHC, and resigning employees who give the requested notice, will be paid for accumulated but unused vacation. Resigning employees who fail to give the requested notice will not be paid accumulated vacation.
Resignation Procedures
The employee should submit a written resignation to be placed in his or her personal file.
The employee must return all company property, including the MPHC name tag.
The employee must return the Employee Handbook.
Worker's Disability Compensation Policy
MPHC provides workers’ disability compensation insurance at no cost to you. In the event of a work-related injury or condition, worker's disability compensation insurance may provide wage-loss benefits.
Following an accident at work or upon learning of a medical condition arising out of your employment, you must notify your supervisor so that a report may be filed with MPHC's insurance provider.
MPHC may require a medical release prior to allowing an employee to return to work. You may be required to submit to necessary medical evaluation by a doctor selected by MPHC or their insurance carrier. All work related incidents must be reported to the main office within 24 hours of the occurrence.
Family and Medical Leave Policy
Eligible employees who have completed at least twelve months of service and worked 1,250 hours or more during the preceding twelve months are eligible to take leave under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Eligible employees may take up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave in a rolling twelve-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses an FMLA leave for the birth or adoption of a child; the placement of a foster child; the physical or psychological care for a seriously ill parent, spouse, or child; or the care of the employee’s own serious physical or mental condition.
A seriously ill family member is defined as a parent, child, or spouse who has a physical or mental condition that warrants the participation of the employee during the period of medical treatment. A health care provider’s certification is required in cases of serious health conditions, whether the employee’s or that of the employee’s spouse, child, or parent. MPHC also reserves the right to require, at its own cost, a second or third medical opinion. Forms can be obtained from the administrative staff.
The family and medical leave of absence is an unpaid leave. However, MPHC requires you to substitute accumulated, unused vacation for any FMLA leave requested. By substituting leave, you continue to receive pay but your unpaid FMLA leave available is reduced.
During an approved family or medical leave, your health benefits will be provided as though you had continued to work. If you have family coverage, please arrange with the payroll office to submit timely monthly payments for your portion, if any, of the health insurance premiums. To the full extent allowed under the FMLA, MPHC reserves the right to recover health insurance premiums from employees who fail to return to work at the end of an FMLA-qualifying leave.
Benefits that operate on an accumulation basis, such as paid time off, will not accumulate during an FMLA leave, nor will you be entitled to paid holidays and “miscellaneous absences” during the leave.
At the end of an FMLA leave, you will be restored to the same position or to an equivalent position, with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms and conditions. However, you are subject to the business circumstances or conditions (such as layoffs) that would have applied to you had you been working. Under limited conditions, certain key employees may not be reinstated.
As soon as you know that you will need time off for a family or medical leave of absence, you must submit a completed Leave Request form to your supervisor. When possible, thirty days’ notice is required. In the event of any emergency, your request should be submitted to your supervisor not later than forty-eight hours following the commencement of the injury, illness, or disability. If you cannot contact your supervisor personally, please have someone contact him or her on your behalf.
During your leave of absence, you are responsible for keeping your supervisor informed of your status. You are required to report your status, current location, intent to return, and expected date of return to your supervisor every thirty days. In certain circumstances, MPHC has the right to require recertification of the serious health condition.
Failure to return to work on schedule will be considered a voluntary termination of employment, effective 5:00 p.m. on the third day you fail to report to work.
To Protect your status with MPHC, please follow all procedures for reporting back to work after your family or medical leave of absence.
Upon returning to work after a family or medical leave of absence of more than one week, you must submit a physician’s certification stating that you are physically able to return to work. Failure to submit such documentation may delay or prevent your return to work.
Tolerance and Diversity and Self Responsibility
Regardless of your personal beliefs or thoughts, if the customer chooses to participate in an activity that is legal, and poses no harm to anyone, you are required to assist them. If the consumer chooses to go to a certain place of worship, casino, bar, etc. You must assist them, that is what we are here for.
In the situation where you and the customer are out and get food, the customer is not responsible for purchasing your meal. You must either pay for your own meal, or pack a lunch and bring it with you.