Welcome to MPHC!
Welcome to the team at Michigan Personalized Home Care! We look forward to working with you and growing together!
As caregivers we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and assistance 24/7.
At MPHC we believe that continuing education and communication are important components to providing excellent and consistent care. We have developed michiganphc.com as a portal for employees to increase their knowledge
and find new ways to improve the care they provide.
New Employee Orientation
The following are excerpts from the Michigan Personalized Home Care (MPHC) new hire orientation packet.
The information is provided online in order educate new and existing employees as well as expedite the hiring process.
Confidentiality Policy
In the course of your employment, you may have access to information about our business, customers, patients and other employees. This information must be kept confidential. If you are uncertain about whether information is confidential, check with your supervisor before discussing it with anyone. Any violation of this policy may result in discipline, up to and including discharge from employment.
Employee Agreement
The employee will carry out the duties and responsibilities listed in the job description/list of assigned tasks, and signed by employee and employer.
When leaving, the employee will give the approximate time of return and, if possible, leave a phone number where he/she can be reached. Also, when the employee will be late in returning, he/she will call to let the office know.
The employee is responsible for paying for long-distance telephone calls made/received by the employee.
The employee will not be paid for scheduled hours not worked unless the time not worked is covered by a benefit as provided by the employer.
Both parties to this agreement will respect each other's individuality and treat each other accordingly. Both will attempt to be flexible and work at solving problems as they arise.
At least two weeks notice will be given by employee regarding termination of this agreement.
Health & Safety Agreement
I do understand the physical requirements of my job and understand proper lifting and moving techniques which I am expected to use in moving and lifting objects and/or patients.
I have been informed and do fully understand that any injury claimed by me while on the job must be reported immediately to my supervisor and documented on an Accident/Incident Report form. I understand that unless and incident report is completed immediately and signed by me, the agency may not consider a voluntary payment of medical bills or any other benefits as a result of my injury. I further understand that if the accident/injury is proven to be a result of my failing to follow policy/procedure, the agency may not be expected to cover medical payments.
I do fully understand that I am not encouraged to lift or transfer any object or patient by myself unless I know that I can safely lift or transfer alone. If I believe there is no one readily available to assist me in lifting or moving patients or equipment while on duty, I am to wait until I can obtain assistance before moving or lifting.
Cellular Phone Use
Michigan Personalized Home Care, LLC. does not permit employees on company time to talk on the cellular phone while driving a vehicle. This is very dangerous and should be avoided any time. It is mandatory that I must pull over and stop my vehicle each time I conduct agency business per cellular phone.
Termination At Will
I understand if I become an employee of Michigan Personalized Home Care, LLC. (MPHC), I will comply with the Policies and Procedures as described in the company manual.
I understand that my employment is terminable "at will." I understand that my employment may be terminated at any time, with or without cause, and may be terminated at my discretion or at the discretion of MPHC.
Following Infection Control Agreement
Michigan Personalized Home Care, LLC wants to improve patient outcomes by identifying and reducing the risk of infection in patients and agency staff.
The agency will document infections that are acquired while the patient is receiving services from the agency. The documentation will include at a minimum the date that the infection was detected, patient's name or number, primary diagnosis, signs/symptoms, type of infection, pathogens identified and treatment.
The infection control program will include surveillance, identification, prevention, control, and reporting. Targeted surveillance of infections will focus on specific patient population or procedures.
Infection Control Standards are established in compliance with the recommendations of the National Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. All staff are educated on these standards and they are practiced consistently. Any incidents of infection related to care and service are reported.
Drug Testing Policy
Agency employees may not possess, distribute and or use alcoholic beverages or controlled substances including inhalants while on premises of property controlled by the agency or while in the course of conducting company business or engaged in any company sponsored activity.
Patients or visitors may not possess, distribute and or use alcoholic beverages or controlled substances while on the premises of the property controlled by the agency.
Any employee who has knowledge of a person or persons violating this policy must report it to his/her supervisor immediately.
Based on reasonable cause, the agency may conduct searches or inspections of an employees personal belongings. The employee may be asked to take a drug test. Refusal to consent may result in termination.
Sexual Harassment
Michigan Personalized Home Care, LLC does not tolerate sexual harassment, as it is a form of gender-based discrimination.
Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, any type of discrimination based on an individual's gender (male or female) is illegal. Sexual harassment is considered to be a form of gender discrimination. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, sexual harassment is "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to the conduct enters into employment decisions and/or the conduct unreasonably interferes with and individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment."
The agency will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment from any of its employees. The agency encourages that any behavior which could be construed as sexual harassment be reported immediately to the supervisor and/or administrator. There is no need to fear retaliation. Both females and males can be sexually harassed when exposed to unwelcome sexual advances or to a pattern of verbal abuse, threatening, crude, impolite, or unprofessional conduct.
Quid pro quo sexual harassment is also against company policy.
The agency encourages and urges an employee to come forward and discuss any sexual harassment with an administrator.
Every complaint will be taken seriously and investigated immediately.
Investigations will be documented.
Any employee involved in a sexual harassment complaint will have full opportunity to give a full account of their recollection of the incident or incidents.
The incident(s) will be investigated thoroughly and appropriate action will be taken.
Dress Code
Michigan Personalized Home Care, LLC employees adhere to the dress code of the agency.
To promote a professional image by Michigan Personalized Home Care Employees.
Michigan Personalized Home Care strives to present a professional and safe health care image to patients' families, the community, and other health care professionals. Michigan Personalized Home Care staff members adhere to he following standards in their dress appearance:
1. All staff will wear the approved Michigan Personalized Home Care name badge when providing patient care.
2. Clothing shall be clean, neat, and well maintained.
Allowed Clothing: Loose comfortable clothing, scrubs, walking shorts that are at least mid-thigh in length, hemmed blue jeans, plain T-shirt, and casual street wear.
Disallowed Clothing: Miniskirts, short shorts, tank tops, halter-tops, midriffs, cut offs, frayed blue jeans, or T-shirts with any sayings on them.
3. Shoes should be conservative and comfortable. We encourage closed toed shoes for personal safety and infection control while providing patient care. No flip-flops or thong sandals.
4. When attending school with a client, the employee will be provided with a copy of the schools dress code and must adhere to it.
5. Nurses should keep a clean lab coat available to wear over their clothes when accompanying patients to any medical appointment. (These may be unexpected.)
Illegal Solicitation & Remuneration
Individuals employed by or under contract shall not willfully nor knowingly solicit, offer, receive or pay any remuneration including bribes, rebates or kickbacks directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, in cash or in kind, in order to induce the referral of home care patients whose care is reimbursed under any Federal or State Care Program.
1. All employees, medical director and contractors will be informed of this policy during the orientation process.
2. Employees, medical director and contractors will acknowledge instructions on the policy as indicated by signature.
3. Violation of this policy will be grounds for immediate termination, civil suits, and/or filing of a formal report to the appropriate regulatory authority.
4. Federal and State Health Care Programs providing reimbursement for home health services include but are not limited to:
PIP insurance, State Medical Assistance including Medicaid Title XIX; Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Maternal, Child Health, Lead poisoning, Adolescent Pregnancy, Hemophilia, Genetic Disease Testing, School Immunization, Blind and Disabled Rehab (Title V); Block Grants to the State for Social Services, Child Care, Foster Adult Home Day Care, Family Planning and Meal Delivery (Title XX).
5. Advertising is NOT prohibited.
6. Remuneration for advertising, marketing, or other services that are provided for the purpose of securing or soliciting patients, provided the remuneration is set in advance, is consistent with the fair market value of the services, and is not based on volume or value of any patient referrals or business otherwise generated between the parties is not to be construed as prohibited by this policy.
7. This policy shall not be constructed to prohibit any payment, business arrangement, or payment practices not prohibited by 42 U.S.C Secton 1320a-7b(b) or any regulations promulgated thereto.
8. Illegal Remuneration is a felony, and if convicted, shall result in a fine and/or imprisonment.
ANE = Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation
Michigan Personalized Home Care will initiate an investigation of all know and alleged acts of ANE by agency employees, including contractors and volunteers, immediately upon witnessing the act or upon receipt of the allegation.
General Reporting:
Professionals as defined in the law are required to report immediately first cause to believe that the elderly patient has or maybe abused.
A report shall be made regardless of whether staff suspects that a report may have been previously made.
Reports of Adult Abuse shall be made to:
Department of Family Protective Service (DFPS) 1-855-444-3911
1. The agency will contact DFPS to file a report and to collect a verbal report tracking number.
2. The agency will contact the Michigan Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) to make an ANE verbal report and to pass on the DFPS verbal report tracking number.
3. The agency will log the ANE report on the Provider Investigation form.
4. The agency will forward the Provider Investigation form to DADS no later than 10 days after the verbal report.
The ANE that is logged will include the following information:
Incident Date
Alleged Victim
Any Witnesses
The Allegation
Adverse Effects
Investigation Summary
Any Action Taken
Information related to the suspected abuse and/or neglect is communicated to the members of the interdisciplinary team. All personnel are to report all incidents of suspected client abuse and/or neglect to the Director of Operations and or Clinical Director, and/or designee who will conduct an initial investigation.
Document the investigation and submit documentation to the appropriate authorities.
Assure that patient is not in immediate danger of being exposed to further abuse.
Report suspected abusers to the appropriate authorities, ie., licensing certified boards.
Attempt follow-up with the appropriate authorities to ensure that the situation is rectified.
Maintain confidentiality of the report.
The agency shall develop training for all staff on the policies and procedures in regard to reporting adult abuse. New staff shall receive this training as part of their initial training/orientation. Training shall be documented.
As part of the training, staff shall be informed that the staff person who conducts the screening and has cause to suspect elderly abuse has occurred is legally responsible for reporting. A joint report may be made with the supervisor.
Work Schedule Policy
IMPORTANT: Once you have accepted a shift you are obligated to work that shift.
New Employees may be scheduled one week at a time for the first 30 days. This is done to establish accountability.
Employees are required to work at least one shift a month in order to stay active. If you work on a case that requires staff 7 days a week we ask that you work at least one weekend per month.
If you are asked to work for a client outside of scheduled hours you must get approval from either your staff coordinator or the Director of Operations. Failure to obtain office approval may affect your pay or employment.
If you need to request time off you must complete the request for unpaid time off form at least two weeks in advance. Holidays will be on a fist come, first serve basis. We are a service agency and our clients need coverage through the holidays.
Calling In Policy
MPHC requires no less than four hours notification for cancellation of a shift. If you are cancelling your shift during normal business house call the office. If you are cancelling your shift after business hours call the on call scheduler. Do not have someone call for you, we must speak to you unless it is physically impossible.
ON-CALL SUPERVISOR 269-350-6362.
Scheduling/Time Keeping Policy
At MPHC we use the mobile application SHIFTPLANNING for scheduling and time clock purposes. You should download the Shiftplanning application to your mobile phone. At the time of your orientation or via email you will receive instruction on how to gain initial access to your Shiftplanning account.
It is extremely important that your clock-in and clock-out times recorded in Shiftplanning match the shift start and end times on the client service documentation.
Please provide the MPHC office with the following documentation:
-Copy of driver's license
-Copy of auto insurance
-Copy of professional licensing (when applicable)
-Copy of CPR certification
-Record of TB testing